The machine is composed of a gear motor system controlling the target’s movement; the mechanism is housed within the iron structure painted with a polyester resin powder coating. The knock-down mechanism is activated by a sensor that detects the shot’s impact on the target.
A clamp with a hand wheel is used to attach a cardboard or aluminium IPSC target.
A guard must be fitted during installation to protect the structure of the machine from shots. A sheet of ballistic steel positioned in front of the machine can be used for this purpose.
The machine can operate in any of the following ways:
- AUTONOMOUS: lthe target works automatically. It is knocked down when hit, returning to the original position automatically after a given amount of time, variable from 3 to 15 seconds.
- CONTROL UNIT: operation is managed by the TIMER ACT5001 electronic control unit or by the PC2000 card, in this case an electric interface box must be placed between the knock-down targets and the control unit.
- PANNEL PC: the control system is composed of a personal computer with a touch screen video system; knock-down and silhouette target turning systems can be managed using dedicated software. the display shows the systems, the position of the targets, the parameters set and the alarms; it is also possible to display a card with the shooter’s results, the targets hit and the time taken to hit them. The cards can be printed by connecting a printer to the computer.